With a name like the Affordable Art Fair, we’re no stranger to questions about the pricing of artwork. So here are some of our thoughts about what affordability really means.
With a name like the Affordable Art Fair, we’re no stranger to questions about the pricing of artwork. We understand that the word ‘affordable’ means something different to everyone, and what might be affordable to one individual or family, might seem like a whole lot more to someone else. Because of this, we feel it’s important to stress that we are, the most affordable destination to buy quality, gallery standard art works.
We know that collecting art can be a passion that takes investment, both in time and money. But when you think about things relatively, unlike a sofa, car or even a house, your favourite artworks will move with you for life – the piece that you fell in love with on the day you purchased it, will be with you forever.
With this in mind, we wanted to share some of our thoughts about what affordability really means, and why we’re your first-stop to find those original artworks that, after the initial outlay, will give back to you everyday for a lifetime.
Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room; and explain why we think affordable doesn’t mean cheap. You may not be able to buy a £15 poster at one of our fairs, or through our online marketplace — but for not much more, you can pick up a gorgeous limited edition print or illustration. By expanding your budget a little further, you’ll be able to invest in an original painting – the relative increase in value for money is exponential! Not many art fairs can promise that — so in terms of the global art market, we’re undoubtedly one of the most affordable places to find original, contemporary artworks in the world, of which we’re pretty proud!
Perhaps most importantly, we provide you with the best possible art for your budget, whatever it may be. Our careful selection process, ongoing relationship with the galleries, curation of artists and knowledge of the global emerging art-scene, ensures that you’ll be buying high quality and original pieces, no matter the medium or style.
Since the very beginning, when Will Ramsay launched the first Affordable Art Fair in 1999, we’ve been passionate about supporting living artists. Because our artists are living, we seriously value the time and commitment that goes into their artwork. What’s more, focusing on living artists means that you know that your money is going to the place it’s needed the most, the artists and their gallerists. They couldn’t do it without each other and we’re proud to provide a platform for gallerists to share their portfolios far and wide, and to help them generate the vital income they need to continue supporting their artists, whether that be with studio space or bigger, wider-reaching exhibitions in the future.
So, by buying a piece through us, you’re supporting the hard work involved in creating and selling art and feeding straight back into the art ecosystem. Win, win!
Whether creating delicate sculptures, bold abstracts or detailed etchings, our artists not only spend a great deal of time honing their craft and becoming experts in their field, but they also invest in materials, sometimes on the expensive side, with which to make their artworks. All of our limited edition prints originate from original artworks, whether by screenprinting, etching orwoodcuts, a true master craft of dedication. By investing in an artwork, you are supporting the skills and expertise of the artist; perhaps even supporting a craft or skill that is becoming rarer or encouraging a new and exciting medium.
Something to keep in mind when you’re buying an original piece of art from the Affordable Art Fair is that you’re also paying for the knowledge and expertise of the carefully selected galleries we work with. That expertise comes from years of research and understanding the contemporary art market, honed over time which has given them the ability to the spot the latest art trends and develop a portfolio of established and emerging artists. Our fairs provide a friendly and relaxed environment that gives gallerists a chance to understand your taste and space and provide expert advice and suggestions on what works might suit – intuitive skills that they have developed through years of conversations with affordable art-loving customers.
We consider affordable to be the combination of the investment in a creative skill honed over years; the time and materials used to create each piece; the knowledge you are purchasing from and supporting living artists; the confidence that every single artwork is either an original or a limited edition; and the reassurance of purchasing from a carefully selected family of Affordable Art Fair galleries; the term affordable clearly means so much more than just the price tag.
Why not join us at one of our upcoming fairs and judge for yourself, or for some instant gratification, browse through the 1000s of original pieces on our online marketplace.
Main Image:
A visitor to the Affordable Art Fair Brussels enjoys the To Be Antwerp exhibition.
Featured art from first to last:
A couple considers a limited edition print at Affordable Art Fair New York
All the action in the aisle at Affordable Art Fair Brussels
A gallerist chats to an art-lover at Affordable Art Fair Battersea.