Through working with Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam, Nathan Wiersma became interested in art and has started his own collection, read up on the journey of a new art collector here.
Meet Nathan Wiersma, the owner of S.V.P. Sfeerbeheer and initiator of the Kromhouthal, Amsterdam, as an event venue – which has helped to make Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam a reality! It was through the influence of this very relationship that Nathan became interested in collecting art, experiencing the fair first hand as his client. Taking the leap with his first piece under two years ago, Nathan has just started out on his art collecting journey, which we are sure many Affordable Art Fair visitors can identify with.
Nathan filled us in on the why’s and how’s of starting a collection.
A painting by Atelier Lieverse. I moved into a new apartment and was inspired by the Affordable Art Fair I decided to look for some art I like that was affordable yet still unique. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.
Nervous? Not at All. Due to my job at the Kromhouthal I had the privilege to visit the AAF on a daily base. That gave me the opportunity to walk by the artwork several times. And every time I saw it I was more convinced that I needed to become the owner. So nervous: no. I rather would call it exited. It’s like falling in love you know. And then the moment the artwork was delivered and you have it there in your living room. A moment to remember. And I am still in love with it. Every day!!!
I’m drawn to paintings and sculptures that ‘touch me’. However, I have only recently started collecting art, so I am still getting to know my art taste….
A passionate owner. I buy art because it is unique, and I want to be surrounded by pieces that I enjoy in my home. I’m still finding my taste! Let’s call it: developing. I’m neither drawn to established artists, or up-and-coming artists, just pieces I like. My second piece is by a young artist called Danny Wolthaar, its called “Akashic Resonance”. I actually met the artist at a party where my son was DJ-ing and got chatting to him. He makes very beautiful, very detailed drawings.
The first painting I ever purchased, the one from Atelier Lieverse. I have been in love with it since we first met at Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam!
I am really enjoying the process of developing my taste as I go along, and being surrounded by all of the artwork at the fair inspires me.
I intend to renew my collection over the years, I have and will continue to show the artwork I purchase to friends and family. As much as possible! So, I am helping promote the careers of the artists. When my walls are full, I might even pass on pieces in my collection to friends or other buyers, just so I can make room for new pieces. I definitely want to encourage others to visit art fairs and buy original art, instead of buying ‘Ikea paintings’.
Go and experience art at a fair. Try to notice what you like and are drawn to without looking for famous names or fashionable trends. Always look for something that touches you emotionally. Don’t be afraid to invest some money, if the piece of art is one that you love, you will be rewarded every day you see it in your home.
Main Image:
Atelier Lieverse, Menerva, 2016, Mixed Media
Featured images from first to last:
Nathan Wiersma
Nathan’s Atelier Lieverse piece in his home
Danny Wolthaar, Akashic Resonance
Atelier Lieverse, Menerva
Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam 2017