Whilst meandering through the aisles of an Affordable Art Fair, the contemporary art on offer has the remarkable ability to captivate imaginations, spark conversation and leave you with countless ideas of how to turn your curatorial vision into a reality. But, acquiring art can often seem like an exclusive privilege reserved for the affluent few. The good news is that the art world is always evolving. At our fairs, we want to ensure that buying fine art and starting a collection is as accessible as possible. Introducing: buying art in instalments.
Think you can’t afford your dream artwork? Think again! Setting a budget before attending an art fair is a common piece of advice. However, we want to give you that extra helping hand by offering the opportunity to split the cost of your payments with 0% interest. Just one of the ways we bring more art into people’s home is through the option to pay for your new piece in monthly instalments. With flexible payment options across our fairs worldwide, you can take an artwork home without a hefty upfront cost.
Paying for art in instalments is a deceptively simple process. If you’d like to know more about buying art in manageable chunks, follow our step-by-step guide to art buying success.
Our Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Art in Instalments

Providers such as Own Art and Art Money are names to look out for at an Affordable Art Fair. Alternatively, you can find out more by dropping by the information desk or having a chat to our gallerists. Remember, they want to help you bridge the gap between desire and affordability.
So, whether you’re drawn to contemporary pieces or timeless classics, consider the option of buying art in instalments at your next fair. We look forward to seeing you walking out with a new piece under your arm!