Time to try out a new type of sculptural material? Or perhaps a different medium of paint? Take our quiz to find out which new art technique you should try and enter into a draw for tickets to a fair of your choice.
With so many means and methods to express your creativity, narrowing down your options is an almost impossible task. Any trip to an art supply shop can induce mass materials envy, or perhaps the beginning of a new desire to expand your practice or hobby into pastels, oils or ink; the possibilities can seem endless.
Our lives can often feel busy and hectic, so with the spare time you do have, finding space to satisfy your creative cravings is important. If you’ve found yourself reaching for the same, almost-empty paint set, or you’ve nearly squeezed the life out of your tubes of acrylic, it might be time for a technique reset to reignite your imagination. After all, curiosity has a whole host of positive mental benefits: improved memory, mood uplift and increased motivation.
Our quiz will help expand your creative horizons to find a new artistic technique to try based on your space, time and any objections to mess.
Take the quiz to enter a draw to win tickets to an Affordable Art Fair of your choice. Just make sure to enter before 00:00 25 August 2023.
Happy art collecting!
Main image: Lara Moisi, ‘Reed Corinthians’, 2023, acrylic paint on ply board, 60 x 39.5cm, Antoinette Ferwerda Gallery